We’re all feeling it. Prices for just about everything are only going up and up (the grocery bill shocks me every week). Stocks are limited and genuine deals are hard to come by. That’s why VFM strives for everyday fair pricing across our Titan AV gear. I know *groan* the sales spiel BUT how about we show you what we mean….
Titan AV VS the competition
A year ago we wrote a piece on Titan AV TV brackets VS the competition. We compared one of our most popular TV brackets (Titan AV 37-70” Full Motion) with similar ones at The Good Guys, JB Hi-Fi and Harvey Norman. What we discovered were massively inflated RRPs from our competitors. Their TV brackets on average are 2.5 to 3.5x more expensive than our Titan AV equivalent.
We Compare Prices 1 Year Later...
Up 17.5% The Good Guys... Was $279. Now $339.
0% Harvey Norman... Was $349. Now $349 on clearance.
Up 12% JB HI-FI... Was $299. Now $339.

Up 8.5% VFM Group... Was $96. Now $105.